Category Archives: Vape Recommendations

How does wattage affect vaping?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] How does wattage affect vaping, and is higher better? Wattage refers to the amount of power used by your vaping device. Most devices have a + and – button that allow you to adjust your wattage, providing plenty of scope to fine-tune your vape experience. So, what’s the best wattage to vape at? Here […]

Different types of vape tanks

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The different types of vape tank and why they matter The ability to customise your setup for vaping is one of the better aspects, whether you’re into big clouds or experimental flavours, your choice of vape tank shapes your experience. On your e-cig, your vape tank is the part that holds the juice. It […]

Vape coils: which is the best?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Vape coils: which is the best? On your vaping device, the coil is what makes the magic happen: it’s the small replaceable part that turns your e-juice into vapour. Whether you’re into big cloud power vaping or discrete flavoursome puffs, your choice of coil goes a long way in shaping your vape experience. So […]

What should I look for in a vape juice?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] What should I look for in vape juice? Whether you’re in the mood for a hint of strawberry cheesecake or an exhilarating spearmint, there is a huge choice of e-liquid varieties to explore. Whether you’re in the mood for a hint of strawberry cheesecake or exhilarating spearmint, there is a huge choice of e-liquid […]